Thursday, November 25, 2010
Ganley is trying to peddle a "I told you so line."
Well Declan your party did tell us.
Tell us what?
That the bankers were real heroes.
And any particular bankers?
Sorry we can't hear you.
Louder please!
"Anglo Irish".
Yes indeed. The very words of fellow multi million military contractor and Libertas backer, Ulick McEvaddy.
As Barricade reported at the time
So would any journo worth the name present this little nugget to Mr Ganley the next time he tries to spin some deceptive yarn.
Friday, September 10, 2010
That's it for the lying snake oil salesman and his odious devotees, sewer-rats all.
So where have all the men-cubs gone?
We'll start with the most odious.
The factless factotum that is Alan Kennedy aka Cookiemonster - his web name and the one he uses to continue to waste his life serving a master that has long since jettisoned Kennedy.
Poor Cookie. Perhaps someone told him to go back to the books.
Or perhaps blindly following the entrepreneurial ideas of the besuited bogman, who waxed lyrical in true plastic paddy mode about turning a shilling cutting turf, Alan. doing his usual job of trying to impress his boss, becomes a turf accountant! Yo Cookie on the ball!
As Libertas watcher/slayer Peoplekorps tells us Alan's jack-booted dreams of promulgating the Big Lie have fallen at the first hurdle.
And to think the Kennedy, who railed against wasted welfare taxes and other state expenditure, did not baulk at wasting the tax-payers money when, at his master's behest, he presented faux citizen joe complaints to the Broadcasting Standards Commission.
The complaints? "Bias" in the RTE Prime Time Ganley Special.
RTE showed us Ganley was a dodgy liar.
But Alan, used to journalistic disgraces like Bruce Arnold and his print fellatio, obviously found the truth hard to swallow.
On the subject of swallowing, enter the equally odious rancid right-winger Robert Cassidy Cassidy would sell his own sexuality down the swanee for the chance to lap up the bread-crumbs falling from narcissist Catholic Fundamentalist arms dealers' tables. That's how desperate Robert/Bobert was. So see how he now is equally desperately trying to spin himself out of the career grave of his own creation.
The bold John McGuirk hit a career high note calling Libertas' own representative of the Wahhabi wing of the Catholic, Caroline Simmons, "a psychotic bitch."
There's some hope for McGuirk, who has just a little too much Machiavelli in his blood to be the true Libertas snake in the grass as epitomised by Kennedy and Cassidy above.
While not the sign of a good publicist, which may explain his employment issues, McGuirk shows some signs of actual intelligence. Because when it comes to Caroline and Christianity, it's a case of Jesus wept.
Next we have David Cochrane who loyally tried to keep his finger in the dyke until the dam-burst of truth made poor David question where his ambition was best served.
Here's David blogging about looking for a job (Oops where has David's blog gone since we first reported 13/9/10)
See a pattern here. Jobs for the boys. The better boys. The boys who deserved. The boys who would trample on anyone - what a crew of maladjusted malcontents.
Imagine Icarus with such a toxic attitiude that he believed only a select few had a right to the sun shine.
Now you get the picture.
When the sun didn't melt their wax, a flame-thrower was necessary. Never has Ireland seen such privileged little gents flashing Swastikas in their eyes.
Declan and his boys were a little cabal, mercenaries, malcontents and misfits, like a bastard offspring of Anglo Irish.
Then there was the man himself. Declan Ganley. A man who claims The Village magazine called him a 'mass murderer' in a high court writ! An overactive imagination?
He was right, however, about being called "a corrupt liar."
So what does he do?
He walks away from his own law suit. Then fails to carry out the very settlement he grasped as a fig leaf to cover his fear of a court appearance
There are plenty of others in Irish politics as objectionable as you. But few so dumb.
Thank God for arrogance, it makes hastening a downfall so easy.
Ganley's Libertas company dissolved
The Libertas Party Ltd, the company established by the anti-Lisbon Treaty campaigner Declan Ganley as part of his attempt to create a pan-European political party, has been dissolved.The company was incorporated in November 2008 and has not filed any accounts. In June, Mr Ganley wrote to the Companies Registration Office seeking to have the company struck off. The Libertas Foundation Ltd, also established by Mr Ganley in 2008, has similarly been dissolved.
There are plenty of others in Irish politics as objectionable as you. But few so dumb.
Thank God for arrogance, it makes hastening a downfall so easy.
And thankfully now, as the stoned reggae singer might say, the only solution is dissolution.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Polish Jew Raphael Lemkin lost his family to the unspeakable and unprecedented horror of the Nazi's Final Solution. The fate that befell Europe's Jews led Lemkin to singlemindedly devote his life to finding a term to describe and, in doing so, assist him criminalise Hitler’s acts.
Lemkin rightly argued that the terms of the day, 'barbarity" and "vandalism, fell tragically short of describing “the assault on all aspects of nationhood; physical, biological, political, social, cultural economic and religious.”
Given the backdrop to this relatively new word, it is not surprising that genocide analogies to Israel's policy towards the Palestinians generate instant uproar. The uproar, however, rarely goes beyond outrage at the mistaken use of the word. Therefore there is little Lemkin-like analyses of what the Israeli’s Palestinian policy should be called.
Although rarely seen or heard in the mainstream media, the policy has been linguistically pinned down, though, needless to say, it has yet to be criminalized. Writing in the New Left Review Israeli Political Scientist Baruch Kimmerling coined the term “politicide.”
Politicide was “a process aimed at destroying a certain people's prospects - indeed their very will -for legitimate self-determination and sovereignty over land they consider their homeland," Kimmerling
The eminent Palestinian Professor Sari Nusseibeh argues that “peace talks” and the conditions and preconditions thereof are a mere pretence. Because if there is one thing that Israel fears more than terror, it’s the prospect of peace with the Palestinians. Nusseibeh- allowing for the looseness of human analogy - is like a cross between John Hume and Field Day era Seamus Deane – has been called the “most dangerous Palestinian of them all.”
And the usual “wolf in sheep’s clothing.” Ironic for a man that has as much to fear from Hamas and other Palestinain militants because of his opposition to suicide bombers and violence in general Leftist Knesset Yossi Sarid has spoken with exasberation about the Israeli government’s constant complaint about no credibille peace partners. Yet when there are such figures they “do their utmost to insult them, to weaken them.”
Authors of the Israel Lobby john J Mearsheimer qnd Stephen M.Walt make the same point
“Olmert like his predecessor Sharon has no interest in negotiating a peace settlement with the Palestinians…Israel would prefer occupation to peace if the latter means giving 95% or so of the West Bank to the Paestinians,” they write.
They too argue that that the Israeli government does all they it can to undermine moderates.
“In order to achieve its goals, Israel has decided to avoid any peace negotiations,” wrote that well-known radical Jimmy Carter in his recent book “Palestine. Peace Not Apartheid.”
And the goals-politicide.
Israel wanted the best parts of the West Bank, the best land, the water etc leaving “Palestinians destitute within a small and fragmented remnant of their own land.,” he wrote.
Politicide, Nusseibeh comments is the only explanation, for the actions of the Israeli Defence Forces during one of their now routine assaults on Palestinian areas.ltu
IDF troops ransacked the Palestinian Authority's Bureau of Statitistics and the Ministry of Education - attacks that can only be seen as an assault on a people's identity. In a further display of such cultural vandalism, Nusseibeh points to an IDF raid on Al Quds Centre For Media Studies where the TV broadcast of cartoons was interrupted to show pornography. The broadcasting facilities were then destroyed.
Like Israel’s initial support for Hamas to undermine Fatah, the government’s policy only strengthens those Palestinian factions that claim violence is the only effective tactic. But this is the way Israel wants it. If Hamas ceased firing rockets into Israel, the government would need to find a faction to continue the fusillade.
In order to successfully pursue its policy of politicide, Israel has to make sure there is no-one credible to talk to. So when Hamas started to slightly moderate its tone, despite being the government of the biggest prison in the world, Israel invades, pursues a policy of collective punishment and contimues laying the groundwork for another nihilistic generaton jihad.
Politicide, however, comes at a price. As Richard Ben Cramer writes In his Pulitzer prize winning “How Israel Lost”, Israel used to be “a nice little country with a problem” but now the problem has consumed the country. Everyone’s heart Is either heated or hardened. The stories emerging from the IDF about the gross human rights abuses in Gaza testify to the brutalization of Israel.
Israel can keep the land but lose its soul, Cramar writes, adding that even in the States the Leon Uris image is long gone. And no matter how hard the lobby tries, there is still a reek of something rotten in the State of Israel.
Politicide is a tragedy. One that's rarely challenged by the international commun counit, bar the occasional symbolic attempts by countries like Belgium who threaten to try and detain visiting Israeli Generals.
Some argue that in a world full of human rights abuses, such attempts are mere political grandstanding
But if injustice is not a sufficient motivation to rally a response to Israel's pretence of peace-seeking, then perhaps safety might be.
Israel, and the US have granted a degree of legitimacy to the theory that western liberal democracy is a con job designed to keep uppity arabs and other irksome natives in their place. Unfortunately the angry young man or woman in the oft talked about Arab street as well as their countetrparts in the Arab libraries and universities can find too much empirical evidence to back up this tragic view.
Israel needs to be told very loud and very clear that its insidiuos policy of creating fact is endangering not just the long term prospects of Israel but is endangering anyone getting on public transport in any city in the West.
Unfortunately because of our silence we are seen as complicit. And therefore, in the minds of 'generation jihad', we are all 'legitmate' targets.
Monday, June 28, 2010
The pulling power of 'the beautiful game' is one aphrodisiac we intend to deny.
Henry had the "ultimate" one already: "power."
Or so said the genocidal dry drunk.
Leaving out Chile and Cambodia, Barricade wld imprison him for the following belief:
the "12 step" Alcoholics Anonymous programme is one of the "greatest inventions" of the 20th Century.
As if it needs reiteration, but that's a man of obvious moral flaw.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
How Gerry Ryan turned into Mr Smug
Books Editor John Spain searches through the veteran radio star's new book for something of value, but finds that this 'tell-all' tale comes up well short
By John Spain
Thursday October 16 2008
So, is Gerry Ryan's new book worth the guaranteed €100,000 he has got from Penguin Ireland for writing it?
The book does have a few redeeming qualities but the straight answer to that question has to be: Definitely Not.
Most books by minor celebs have at least one Big Revelation within their pages.
Gerry's big revelation is that he suffers (mildly) from Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. He's a tidiness freak who hoovers too much. It's an early indication of how mundane the rest of the book is going to be. And the main problem with it can be summed up in two words: Gerry Ryan.
Like most of the nice middle- class Dublin boys of his era who went on to find success, Gerry is self-satisfied to the point of being smug.
"My canteen is the restaurant of the Four Seasons Hotel," he writes in a chapter headed Fine Dining. "I have all my meetings in that restaurant. I know Louis Walsh does the same thing."
Shortly after that, he is talking about wine: "I think Irish people still need to wake up to the joys of sommeliers... My favourite sommelier was Pascal in Dromoland."
Or here's Gerry in a chapter called The Front of the Plane: "I go first class with Aer Lingus to JFK.
"There's a big seat, everyone's attentive and nice," he goes on. "I have a few drinks, and when I'm with my family, I see them enjoying the fruits of my labour .... Then we get to New York and there's a limousine waiting to take us to Manhattan.
"We check into Fitzpatrick's and go upstairs to one of the suites, or as we did last year, to the penthouse ... And the path is always greased. Maybe U2 are playing in Giants Stadium, and the backstage passes will be waiting for us in the Rockefeller ....
"I defy anyone to say that's not a good way to travel."
And there's more, much more, of this sort of tedious, self-admiring guff. "My favourite tipple is Jameson twelve-year-old. I like Gold Reserve ... I used to spend a lot of time collecting single malt whiskies .... At one stage I had a big collection of whiskies, fifty or sixty, and I would delight (in an obsessive compulsive way) in lining them up."
He also loves cigars: "My eldest son Rex, who was eight or nine at the time, was in charge of the two big humidors, and he had the business of keeping the cigars at the right temperature down to a fine art.
"He kept the whiskies' labels all turned out front too."
Yes, indeed, Gerry loves the finer things in life: "These days, Paris for me is staying at the Hotel Meurice up at the Jardins des Tuileries.
"You can't even get in there unless you've got a grand in your sock..." And he goes on to tell us a story about how he ordered a €2,000 Petrus thinking it was a €200 bottle.
Of course, there's nothing wrong with enjoying the finer things, it's just that Gerry's need to justify himself and his compulsion to tell us about it in such detail become boring after a while.
He finds himself fascinating and seems to think that everyone else should find the minutiae of his life fascinating as well. The truth is, however, that Gerry is not particularly interesting. The only difference between him and anyone else from a similar background is that he's got a few famous friends like Harry Crosbie and Bono and he is famous for waffling on the radio.
That is the other big weakness of Gerry's book. Interspersed between the details of his own life and career are numerous short chapters with headings like How to Run the Country and Is It Possible to be Friends with a Woman? in which Gerry riffs on various subjects much as he does on radio.
It's not his fault, but the kind of waffle that sounds funny or insightful on radio and fills up hours of airtime does not work in print. Once it is written down, it seems lame. The truth is that Gerry's views are often superficial and trite, the kind of stuff you hear from young fogies in college debating societies.
There is also Gerry's irritating assumption that his imprimatur on things actually matters. Here he is on Bertie, for example: "Bertie Ahern is, without doubt, more than any other politician in the history of the Republic, substantially responsible for the success of this country, and he has been pushed, shoved, prodded and p***ked around beyond all toleration... How much was it? Two grand? Five grand? ... We're a begrudging bunch of f***ers."
Or here he is on the difference between the sexes: "I do believe that men and women are very different ... Men and women want to be celebrated and cherished and loved and taken care of, but we're utterly different."
This is the kind of guff that can sound profound when heard on the radio but it does not stand up to much scrutiny on the page.
They are one person's non-expert views on complex topics. They don't carry any more weight than the average caller to Liveline.
There is a lot more that makes this book a questionable buy for €100,000. There is Gerry's name-dropping (he even works John Banville and the former attorney general John Rogers -- misspelled as Rodgers -- into the mix).
There is a lot of mind-numbing stuff about the internal machinations in RTE and why Gerry almost left to work for Denis O'Brien.
And there are lots of boring details about Gerry's health and about how he uses Udo's Oil for arthritis in his hands and Reductil to help him lose weight.
Do we really need to know this?
Gerry confuses being open about the small details of his life with being interesting. And he seems to have little awareness of how hilarious his self-importance is at times.
One example of this is when he is writing about presenting the Eurovision: "My talent is to imbue a project with much more significance and theatricality than it actually deserves. This gives a sort of incandescence to it that makes things that are not all that bright shine very brightly. I can bring that to the party.
"But like it says in Blade Runner, the light that burns twice as brightly burns twice as fast. How brightly I have shone."
Make of that what you will. But there are some redeeming sections in the book. Gerry writes with great insight and love about his father, a slightly eccentric dentist, and his mother a flamboyant woman who herself grew up in a famous theatrical family.
He is also very good on being a father himself and raising kids in today's world.
When he sticks to what he knows and what he really cares about, he writes well and there are sections of the book which are very honest and moving. The great pity is that being G. Ryan just keeps getting in the way.
________________________ Would the Real Gerry Ryan Please Stand Up is published this week by Penguin Ireland priced at €18.99
- John Spain
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Gerry Ryan would spit in his grave at the necro-fellatio on David Cochrane's
Somebody has to highlight the truth before we choke to death on Diana-esque sentimentality on meth-amphetamine. Needless to say I was banned by the Klu Klux Klan gang of smug little men-cubs on (Think that's the fifth time i have been banned only to sneak back thinly disguised.)
Boy did the lynch mob come out this time. "Respect for his wife and famiily".
Those pompous pricks - who exit their Ma's vagina already wearing ties, crying in brandy tinged baritone voices: "Show me the way to the Fourcourts" - actually think that a grieving family has no other priority than reading than reading the smug musings of tossers with such sobriquets as "Future Taoiseach" "Tipp Tom" and "Bring Back the Birch"- 'what a tragic day for the county."
It is indeed a tragic day for the country. Even the Irish Times are at it. They quote Baudrillard and hey presto before you can say 'simulacrum'- it's tighten the zeitgeist time, we're diving deep into the tabloid void.
Once we were a nation of (genuine) newspaper readers- now we are Brits.
Where did all these cunts come from?
To alter an old wine whine: "God save Ireland from the media".
The one thing I will say respect to Gerry Ryan is that he would spit out the Thought Police and Bully Boys on the only ire the postings under "That Gasoline Smell" - erased unless otherwise quoted by indignant others - would have arounsed on the Ryan line would have been directed at David Cochrane's men-cubs.
Their toothless necro-fellatio would make a man, even one predisposed to smugness like Gerry, spit.
We'll leave the last lines, albeit altered, to the late great e.e.cummings:
"And what I want to know is
Where is Pascal the sommelier now, Mr Death."
Monday, February 22, 2010
We didn't hear much when the Hamas guy in Damascus was killed by a car bomb not so long ago.
Or the one before that in Amman. The guy that Mossad they failed to posion and got caught.
Then going back a while, wasn't there a waiter wasted in a mistaken identity mess in Scandinavia.
Maybe "forged passports" from other countries were not used in those missions. But it's a big maybe. Damascus does not welcome Israelis passports.
And if you are off to assassinate Palestinian officials, an Israelis passport is not an "asset".
So why now? Why are we all talking about it?
I think what happened here - why the story has blown up and why it has forced "outrage" from countries whose intelligence arms may have given tacit approval - is that this was the first CCTV assassination.
And that meant the 24hr news channels could lead with the story and then run heavily with it.
If we didn't have our tennis players getting out of the lift and the whole crew arriving and then splitting dodge, we would have had a stand up outside the hotel and then the story would have faded into an occasional feature piece.
So let's thank CCTV for our new found morality.
And let's remined Mossad that the assassinations as well as the revolution will be televised.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
We're an open-minded crew here at Barricade. But, call us sqaure, we believed a micro-dot should be followed by a period.
'Cad, calllous, heart-breaker' - go on throw them all at us. But sorry we are out that door while diamond clad Lucy was still in deep sleep.
You don't have to remind me that we would be back a month later clamouring, roaring for more until eventually she would put her finger to our mouths "Ssssssh."
We'd see others in the corner, hard to pick out cos it was darker than the dark side of the moon. A Peter could get lost in the Fleetwood.
But you hear them.
They'd moved in.
Lucy had them spellbound.
And they sang magic.
She was Faust.
And the pact?
Well it was Faust with a Fender.
So picture yourself on a river surfing USA back in the USSR.
Boy you don't know how lucky you are.
You're so broke up, you want to go home.
In return for your mind, you enthralled yourself, you spellbound us, made us embrace life with your sweet sounds.
17 yr old E Kidz danced in the ailses with big bellied midlands farmers.
A profoundly psychiatric tremor pulsed through Brian's aura.
But we didn't care, those West coast sounds really knocked us out.
And we had FUN FUN FUN 'til JIM came along and took our thesis away.
Lucy obviously saw that kid coming. And boy did she take him for a ride.
If you don't believe me. go ask Alice.
Lucy fucked him daft.
And the poor fool Jim was left there singing about the one thing he needed to do - but it was too much to hope.
"I Will Runaway."
Sadly no such luck.
In return for singing 'sour nothings' the mindless fool has the inside scoop on 9/11 - hell I bet you he even knows who the two Arab faux hacks were who blew Massoud away with their wedding camera bomb. Just before the towers go down, these two give the Taliban their 'public enemy number one.' And while they are it, they deprive the Yanks of a credible leader."
Come on Jim.
Shake, rattle and're on.
Now Jim Corr what have you got to say about Haiti.
Actually no.
Shut Up.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
A message from a dear friend re justice in the USA
The US Supreme Court Justices Kennedy, Roberts Jr. (am I wrong to think that 'Jr.' is code for 'I am a belong to the sort of family that is preoccupied by inventing a lineage'? And that guy using Jr. is also saying 'hey, look at me. I express MY filial piety every day. What do you do?), Justices Scalia, Alito Jr. (again....isn't it kinda 'unamerican' - ugly concept, but what the hell - to demean your individuality by linking your name, your identity as a person, to your daddy's name?) and Clarence Thomas voted this week to give corporations (disguised in the specific case as conservative 'non-profit' Citizens United - christ) the same free speech rights as US citizens.
Don't they know that corporations aren't people? Don't they see that profit maximisation was not the goal being articulated by the First Amendment? Is it too liberal to judge that a corporation's purpose is not sufficiently rich and varied and layered and often conflicted to be equated to the aspirations and understanding of a human?
Is it too much to fantasize that they would be keen to protect the already crappy quality of US political debate?
Or that they might look at most European election laws to see how those judiciaries are preoccupied by the hijacking of politics by money?
I guess they would find it 'unamerican' to actually follow european judicial instincts, but maybe they could, at least, take a hint?
Can we now say - have you understood what you have done, you dumb, dangerous fuckwits?
I must assume you do, you ignorant dopes? I mean you are Supreme Court Justices, which I guess must mean you are, at least, capable of actually following a logical chain of consequences?
And you're comfortable with this, you moronic idiots? You sleep easy on the further destruction of balanced argument by economic power, you sad empty sacks of poisonous shit bags? You see no reason to look after the poor and the voiceless, you dumb assholes?
You've just legislated to give Darth Vadar the right to cheat at chess.
Well, in the same spirit of reasoned debate that you now explicitly espouse, Fuck You All To Hell You Cunts.
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